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FPDM-109 Horizontal Flat Panel Display Optical Comprehensive Testing System

The FPDM-109 Horizontal Flat Panel Display Optical Comprehensive Testing System is specifically developed for measuring the photometric and chromatic characteristics of large displays. This system employs a six-axis mechanical tester as its foundation and analyzes the photoelectric characteristics associated with various angles within the display screen's space.

SPR-960 Spectrofluorimetric System

SPR-960 spectrofluorimetric system to measurement the 3D fluorescence spectrum, quantum efficiency, energy efficiency, luminous efficiency, fluorescence chromaticity of LED phosphors. The phosphors can be excited by monochromatic light from 200 nm to 800 nm. With the information of 3D fluorescence spectrum, suitable phosphor materials and LED chip can be chosen to implement the best matching in luminous efficacy and color performance (Tc, Ra) for white LEDs.

LED-201 Thermal Test Station

To determine junction temperature,thermal resistance under the stable and temporal conditions and luminous flux, radiant flux, spectrum distribution, peak wavelength, WHM, electric parameters of LEDs operating at various of ambient temperature and forward current.

LTS-10 LED Luminaire Lifetime Testing System

According to the requirements of IESNA LM-80-2008, GB/T 24824, LB/T 001, the system is used to aged sorting, reliable, and accelerated lifetime test for LED modules and LED luminaires. The system can monitor and record the photometric parameters, electrical parameters and shell temperature in real time, to test the thermal performance and lumen maintenance ratio.

LATS-90 LED Lifetime Acceleration Testing System

LATS-90 system consists of temperature stabilized chambers, power supply of testing LEDs, junction temperature detecting system, light measuring instruments,can record The light degeneration of each testing LED at specified powered current under ageing temperature. The lifetime of tested LEDs under operating temperature can be expected through light decay extrapolating and the lifetime accelerating model.

TLA-310 Flicker Photometer

The TLA-310 flicker photometer is suitable for measuring flicker in various on-site lighting applications, such as classroom lighting, display screens, light sources, and lighting fixtures. According to the latest international standards, it can achieve the following testing measurements: optical wave time-domain curves, optical wave frequency-domain analysis charts, reference frequency, scintillation index FI (Energy Star), scintillation ratio PF (Energy Star), modulation depth MD (IEEE PAR 1789), modulation ratio (CEC TITLE 24), modulation depth MD* (PSE Twinkle), scintillation index FI* (EU ERP), Pst (compliant with IEC standards), SVM (CIE TC), Mp (ASSIST), and startup characteristics (IEC 60969).